
Welcome to Virginia’s Blue Ridge TWENTY28 

Virginia’s Blue Ridge TWENTY28 is America’s premier women’s cycling team empowering women and young girls to develop and thrive as world leaders. Championing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging not only in the sport of cycling, but in occupations, cultures, and all aspects of their lives.

Follow VBR Twenty28 on social - Facebook and Instagram

Virginia's Blue Ridge TWENTY24 Junior Training Camp

Donate to support youth development

Why Women’s Professional Cycling?

In 2018, Virginia’s Blue Ridge (VBR) earned International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA)’s Silver-Level Ride Center designation and subsequently staked a claim as “America’s East Coast Mountain Biking Capital.” This solidified VBR as a mountain biking destination. Now, Visit VBR is investing in a partnership with TWENTY28 in an effort to further enhance our outdoor recreation brand by showcasing the additional disciplines of road and gravel cycling. A comprehensive marketing & PR campaign will support the effort.


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Train Like the Team in Virginia's Blue Ridge

Virginia's Blue Ridge TWENTY28 has shared their Junior and Pro Team training routes for you to download and ride. We've created a collection on our Ride with GPS account that allows for downloading of GPX files for you to use in your preferred app or directly with your bike computer. Check out the collection here.


Our Community

Highlighting our vibrant cycling community and our many outdoor recreation opportunities has been successful in attracting visitors to Virginia’s Blue Ridge. Tourism not only brings visitors and revenue to our region, it often becomes the first step in recruiting an educated workforce, ensuring our future growth.

We embrace a not-too-distant future where Virginia’s Blue Ridge is nationally known as a premier cycling destination, introducing a new generation to this outdoor haven where people live, learn, work, train and play.

Roanoke Mill Mountain Park - Biking

We are grateful for the support of our local and regional partners and would like to extend our sincere appreciation to the following: 

VBR Twenty24 sponsor logos 1/23

Roanoke Region Spotlight

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