
Be a Trailsetter - Virginia's Blue Ridge

Be A Trailsetter Branding Info & Marketing Resources

We invite our community partners to encourage everyone to Be A #Trailsetter in Virginia's Blue Ridge. Trailsetter is our version of the word, "trendsetter." The culture in Virginia's Blue Ridge leads the way - in outdoor adventure, medical research, education, the arts, culinary, sports, meetings, business, economic development - we create our own trail and invite others to come enjoy the ride with us.

Download our Dropbox folder and view our guide to how you can use the Virginia's Blue Ridge, Be A #Trailsetter, and America's East Coast Mountain Biking Capital materials in your own marketing efforts.

We all play an important role in growing Virginia's Blue Ridge as a destination and shaping the quality of life for visitors and residents.

Visit VBR Marketing

Here are some ways you can spread the word about being a trailsetter in Virginia's Blue Ridge:

  • If you're interested in using photography that showcases Virginia's Blue Ridge, contact for more information. 

Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge Branding Kit

Our Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge Branding Kit serves as a guide and resource for how you can take part in the process of marketing Virginia's Blue Ridge as an awesome vacation destination.

Virginia's Blue Ridge LogoVirginia's Blue Ridge, Be A #Trailsetter, America's East Coast Mountain Biking Logos - Brand Standards & Guidelines

This public Dropbox link contains the Virginia's Blue Ridge Brand Standards & Guidelines. The folder contains brand guidelines and details about how company logos can be used, in addition to logo files in a variety of formats. There are also various formats of the America's East Coast Mountain Biking Capital logo, Be A #Trailsetter materials, and other design elements that can be used to promote Virginia's Blue Ridge. If you have any questions about logos or how you can incorporate the brand, please contact our Marketing Department.

Website Links

Help your website visitors by offering links to resources provided on the Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge website! The following are links that we encourage you to consider adding to your website:

If you're not currently partnered with Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge, fill out our Partnership form to begin the process. If you have questions about using a logo, please contact our Marketing Department.

Social Media Links

Please connect with us on social media! It's a great way to learn more about new features and highlights of the region, and it helps us stay informed about the things you're sharing to your social audiences. You can also take part in the conversations happening on social networks through using our hashtags.

  • Facebook - Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge
  • Twitter - @visitvbr | Hashtag: #Trailsetter / #BlueRidgeDay 
  • Instagram - @visitvbr | Hashtag: #Trailsetter / #BlueRidgeDay
  • Pinterest - Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge
  • LinkedIn - Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge
  • YouTube - Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge
  • Spotify - visitvbr

Visit our Videos page to find additional resources and content.

Descriptive Vocabulary

Shown below is a wordle graphic that features some of the key vocabulary and descriptive words we use when describing what people can expect to experience when they visit Virginia's Blue Ridge. Help us tell the story of what makes Virginia's Blue Ridge an incredible destination by incorporating descriptive vocabulary like this into your marketing messaging.

Virginia's Blue Ridge

Introducing Virginia's Blue Ridge

To help you introduce Virginia's Blue Ridge to your audience, we've created phrases and descriptions you're free to use to help spread the message of the region.

  • "[business name] in Virginia's Blue Ridge."
  • "Our location in Virginia's Blue Ridge."
  • "Virginia's Blue Ridge is the largest metropolitan area along the Blue Ridge Parkway."
  • "Virginia's Blue Ridge is everything you want in a mountain destination, plus a few surprises!"
  • "Learn more about the unique experiences you can have in Virginia's Blue Ridge"
  • "Nestled in the heart of the mountains, Virginia's Blue Ridge offers a mix of exciting adventures with an authentic culture."
  • "Virginia's Blue Ridge features breathtaking scenic beauty, thrilling outdoor adventures, mouth-watering cuisine, inspiring arts & culture, and luxurious, affordable accommodations."