
Roanoke Calendar of Virtual Events

Virginia's Blue Ridge Calendar of Virtual Events

You can always find fun events in Virginia’s Blue Ridge, and while COVID-19 currently has many of our typical events on hold, people are getting creative and offering special virtual events and experiences that you can still “attend” and enjoy!

This page features a list of upcoming virtual events in Virginia’s Blue Ridge that you can take part in while continuing to practice social distancing.

While we wait for the right time to travel again and enjoy our favorite concerts & festivals, these virtual events serve as a way to show that Virginia's Blue Ridge is Worth the Wait >

Whether it’s local bars and restaurants offering special virtual classes & tastings, music venues and breweries streaming live music, or local museums and organizations providing special tours and activities, there are lots of unique ways to continue to experience Virginia’s Blue Ridge.

We’ve also developed a special COVID-19 Landing Page full of information and resources that you can utilize, as well as a collection of maps showcasing which local restaurants are providing takeout & delivery service >

Check out the list below and find the next virtual event to attend - and remember to invite all your friends to tune in, as well!

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Resources and information about ways you can continue to experience and support Virginia's Blue Ridge during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Find out which local food & beverage businesses in Virginia's Blue Ridge are offering some type of takeout, curbside pickup, or delivery service and show them some love by placing an order.

Many local museums & attractions in Virginia's Blue Ridge are providing the opportunity to enjoy activities and exhibits in a virtual format.

Complete the VBR Support Local Bingo card and take advantage of some fun ways you can show your support for local businesses in Virginia's Blue Ridge.

Partner Resources

Visit VBR Partner Resources

For our local businesses and organizations that are partners with Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge, we've created a special page in our Partnership section with additional resources and organizations to connect you with that can provide assistance during this time.

Tourism Impact Survey: Let Visit VBR Know How Your Business Has Been Impacted by COVID-19 >

We know this is an uncertain time and people have lots of questions. Feel free to reach out to us through our Contact form - we can't promise that we'll have the answers but we'll do our best to provide you with helpful information and resources.