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For outdoor enthusiasts visiting or living in Salem, Virginia, Shrewd Outdoors is the ultimate destination for high-quality outdoor gear, camping equipment, and adventure apparel. Whether you’re hiking the Blue Ridge Mountains, exploring local trails, or camping under the stars, this locally-owned store offers everything you need for your next adventure.
Shrewd Outdoors features a wide range of outdoor equipment, including backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, and footwear, all from trusted brands. Looking to gear up for fishing, backpacking, or a weekend camping trip? This store has you covered with durable, weather-ready gear to enhance your outdoor experience.
Known for its expert staff and personalized advice, Shrewd Outdoors helps you choose the best gear tailored to your needs. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or new to the outdoors, the store ensures you’re fully equipped for your outdoor activities. Conveniently located in Salem, this shop is the perfect starting point for any outdoor excursion in the region.
Plan your visit to Shrewd Outdoors in Salem, VA, and discover the best outdoor gear and adventure equipment to fuel your next outdoor journey.
Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge 101 Shenandoah Avenue NE Roanoke, VA 24016 (540) 342-6025 (800) 635-5535
Visit Virginia’s Blue Ridge is committed to cultivating an atmosphere that welcomes and celebrates the unique backgrounds, abilities, passions, and perspectives of our vibrant community. As our region’s only destination marketing organization, we have a responsibility to showcase the best the Roanoke Region has to offer, and those assets and strengths come in varied forms. We embrace differences in race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, language, visible and invisible disabilities, and all the intersecting identities that make Virginians and visitors alike so unique. We believe our differences make us stronger– and better.