
Jane Schafer

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I am a native of Philadelphia and moved with my husband to the Roanoke area in 2002. I began my serious exploration into painting after retiring approximately four years ago. I was initially drawn to watercolor because of the ease of getting it down on paper but soon found that it is a most difficult medium to master. Now after years of trying, and a few workshops with talented artists under my belt, I am beginning to enjoy its fluidity and vibrancy. I love how the colors flow and mingle together. I have found that I enjoy exploring many nontraditional approaches with watercolor, using texture, opacity, and collage for example. My journey continues to be an exciting one, as I explore creating art with acrylics, mixed media, and oil. My style is representational with an emphasis on color as a strong element of design. My inspiration for painting comes from my love of nature, her beautiful plants, flowers, and wildlife, and from my travels abroad showcasing people, places, and events.

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