
Gayle H. Cooley

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Gayle Havens Cooley is a watercolor artist living in Roanoke, Virginia. Landscapes, townscapes and particularly marinescapes are sources of inspiration for her loose, impressionistic paintings. She took undergraduate classes in studio art and art history at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, the University of New Mexico, and Penland School of Crafts. After graduation. Gayle set aside her love of painting to join her family businesses and raise her three sons. Eight years ago, Gayle joyfully returned to her love of painting by studying at the Studio School in Roanoke, with nationally recongnized artists including Eric Wiegardt, Leslie Frontz, Joe Miller and Stephen Doherty, and by devoting significant amounts of time to studying and teaching herself. Gayle is a signature member of the Baltimore Watercolor Society (2014), a juried member of the Women Painters of the Southeast (2015), and a member of the Virginia Watercolor Society, Southern Watercolor Society and League of Roanoke Artists. Her exhibition acceptances include:

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