National Travel and Tourism Week will be celebrated across the nation May 3-9, 2020. This year’s celebration marks the 37th anniversary of the 1983 congressional resolution that established NTTW - and it's all about celebrating the contributions and accomplishments of the U.S. travel community over the course of the last several decades. It's a great occasion to shine the spotlight on the travel industry in Virginia’s Blue Ridge and a timely one to showcase its importance.
Before COVID-19 more than 8,000 jobs were dependent on travel and tourism in Virginia’s Blue Ridge along with a direct economic impact of $892 million. (Source - 2018 US Travel Association and the Virginia Tourism Corporation)
Despite our new realities, hardship, and seemingly endless unanswered questions, there is one certainty: Our industry and our spirit will not be shattered. The coronavirus public health emergency has had a devastating and heartbreaking impact on our industry. Across every segment, countless people are facing difficult circumstances, making painful decisions and dealing with uncertainty that only seems to grow. Our day-to-day landscapes have shifted, with businesses taking financial hits and workers directly dealing with the consequences.
Travel and Tourism is an economic engine that is going to drive us out of the crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts say the industry needs to make sure it is positioned to welcome back travelers when the "Spirit of Travel" turns from planning to action.
That is why we strongly believe if there was ever a time to rally behind our industry, tell our story and demonstrate our strength, it is now. National Travel and Tourism Week is just one platform to communicate the incredible resiliency of this industry, even in the face of adversity.
This year, NTTW is all digital because even though we can’t gather together, we can use our social media channels to connect us, unify us and support each other from afar, rallying around the #SpiritOfTravel.
We will be looking for ways to engage our lawmakers, the media, our communities about the importance of this industry and its critical role in the rebuilding of our country.
What Does the Road Ahead Look Like? When the time is right, travel and tourism will be integral to our nation’s recovery. We will be a key driver not only for the economy and jobs, but also for our country's morale and inspiring the #Spirit of Travel.
Why Travel Matters
Travel Matters to the Economy
Travel Matters to New Experiences
Travel Matters to our Jobs
Travel Matters to Keeping America Connected
Travel Matters to Health
Travel Matters to Hometown Pride
Travel Matters to Families
Additional NTTW resources inspired by the State of Virginia:
Sunday, May 3rd: The Spirit of Travel | Kick off with NTTW Video – Click here
Monday: Small Town LOVE | Highlights charming small towns in Virginia’s Blue Ridge – Click here
Tuesday: Takeout Tuesday | Supports our restaurant industry Click here
Wednesday: Iconic Virginia | Blue Ridge Parkway – Click here
Thursday: Thirsty Thursday | Highlights craft beer, wine, spirits/cocktails – Click here
Friday: Fresh Air Fridays | Outdoor Activity Options for Social Distancing in Virginia's Blue Ridge – Click here
Saturday: Virtual Date Night Ideas for Virginia's Blue Ridge – Click here
Virginia’s Blue Ridge is Worth The Wait – Click here