Over Valentine's Day and Presidents' Day weekend, Virginia's Blue Ridge experienced its second major snow event of 2016. The storm dropped anywhere from 2 to 10 inches in the communities that make up the region and the nature of the weather system brought a combination of snow and ice.

Though temperatures quickly warmed up and caused significant melting almost immediately after the storm moved through, it created a spectacular winter scene in Virginia's Blue Ridge.

People on social media shared some stunning images with us of the scenes they were seeing around the region, including beautiful views of snow-capped mountains, ice-covered trees, kids and pets out enjoying the snow, and the gorgeous city skyline. It's a glimpse into why Virginia's Blue Ridge is such a wonderful place to visit and live.

We compiled a photo album below of some of our favorites from this past weekend. Have some pictures you'd like to share with us? Send it to us on our Facebook page or use our #BlueRidgeDay hashtag on Instagram and Twitter!

Learn more about what it's like during the Winter in our region and check out our list of our Top 5 Reasons for a Winter Visit to Virginia's Blue Ridge.

Enjoy the pictures and videos and thanks to everyone who shared them with us!