Viva La Cupcake is highlighted in a recent article by USA TODAY that focuses on the most unique eggnog dishes around the country.

The article, “60 fresh spins on eggnog across America,” is an impressive list of eggnog-flavored and inspired food and drink, which is a popular item on menus during the holiday season.

The story was written by Jenn Rice, who was assisted by Visit Virginia’s Blue Ridge in gathering research for the story.

Viva La Cupcake, which features locations in Crystal Spring and Grandin Village in Virginia’s Blue Ridge (as well as a mobile cupcake trailer), is listed in the article for its Eggnog Cupcake.

The cupcake is topped with a simple syrup rum glaze and homemade eggnog frosting.


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It’s one of many creative cupcake options that have made Viva La Cupcake one of the most popular spots in Virginia’s Blue Ridge for a sweet treat.

Click here to see the complete list on the USA TODAY website.